ACIM Urtext のE-Text をタイプ原稿をみながらチェックしています。 正誤表と気になった点の覚え書きです。
元データは ACIM The Scholar's Toolbox のHtml 版でHTML compilation version BETA 101009 H です。M はマニュスクリプト、N はノートの略号としました。M: xxx N: yyy というのはマニュスクリプト(タイプ原稿)の表記はxxxで速記ノートの表記はyyyであることを示しています。
T 4 A 4. ... Both of you have completed the SCT stem: When I was called on to speak—with—”I became embarrassed and COULD NOT SPEAK.”
T 4 A 4. ... Both of you have completed the SCT stem: When I was called on to speak with “I became embarrassed and COULD NOT SPEAK.”
最初の引用符が逆になっているので修正。SCT は心理テストの文章完成法のこと。修正後の形はヘレンの速記ノートにある通りです。最小限の修正なら引用符の訂正だけで良いでしょう。
T 4 A 5. ... and he IS free to allocate the authorship for his thoughts as he elects.
T 4 A 5. ... and he IS free to allocate the authorship of his thoughts as he elects.
M と N は両方ともof になっています。for の方が良いかもしれません。もとのテキストに訂正の注がないので意図的な変更か疑問に思い参考までにあげておきます。
T 4 A 8. ...“And he sees across a weary land a straggling road in Spain Up which a lean and foolish knight forever rides in vain.”
T 4 A 8. ...“And he sees across a weary land a straggling road in Spain, Up which a lean and foolish knight forever rides in vain.”
チェスタートンの詩の引用部分。もとの詩はSpain の後にコンマがありその後改行されている。
T 4 A 9. ... unless they are given up by an act of will, or, more properly as active creation.
T 4 A 9. ... unless they are given up by an act of will, or, more properly an active creation.
T 4 B 24. ... be still and KNOW that God is real and YOU are His beloved son in whom he is well pleased.
T 4 B 24. ... be still and KNOW that God is real and YOU are His beloved son in whom He is well pleased.
M: he N: He N の強調を採用。
T 4 B 34. ... I could not understand their importance to YOU if I had not once been tempted to believe them myself.
T 4 B 34. ... I could not understand their importance to YOU if I had not once been tempted to believe in them myself.
M にあるので in を追加。文法的にはどちらでも問題ない。
T 4 C 19. ... Consider the inevitable confusion which MUST arise from a perception of the self which responds: When I was completely on my own I “had no idea what was possible.”
T 4 C 19. ... Consider the inevitable confusion which MUST arise from a perception of the self which responds: When I was completely on my own, “I had no idea what was possible.”
最初見てI の後ろにある引用符の意味が分からなかったところ。よく見ると文章完成法テストの形になっている。不完全な文「私が完全にひとりであったとき、私は“……”」の回答なので I の後ろに引用符がある。同様の形はT 1 B36t. にある。ちなみにノートはこうなっている。
...which responds: When I was completely on my own: “I had no idea what was possible.”
T 4 C 20. The ego’s ceaseless attempts to gain the Soul’s acknowledgement and thus establish its own existence are utterly useless.
M: thus to establish N: thus really establish
このままで問題ないが to を復活させるべきだろうか?
T 4 C 23. ... Salvation is nothing more that “right-mindedness” which is NOT the one-mindedness of the Soul, ...
T 4 C 23. ... Salvation is nothing more than “right-mindedness” which is NOT the one-mindedness of the Soul, ...
M : than
T 4 D 17. ... No one can see THROUGH a wall, but I can step around it.
T 4 D 17. ... No one can see THROUGH a wall, but I can step around it.
M にあるアンダーラインの強調が抜けている。
T 4 D 19. ... Watch carefully, and see what it is you are truly asking for. Be very honest with yourselves about this, for you we must hide nothing from each other.
T 4 D 19. ... Watch carefully, and see what it is you are really asking for. Be very honest with yourselves about this, for we must hide nothing from each other.
M はtruly のところreally になっている。you は横線でcross out されているので消去する。ノートでも we になっている。
T 4 E 16. ... Then let me the Holy One shine upon you in peace...
T 4 E 16. ... Then let the Holy One shine upon you in peace...
M: me the N: the
Mで消去されたme が復活しているので消去する。ノートを見るとthe の筆記体がMe のように見えるのでおそらく読み間違いをタイプして消去した箇所。
T 4 F 15. Consider the alchemist’s age-old attempts to turn base metal into gold. (This typo was originally “god”).
T 4 F 15. Consider the alchemist’s age-old attempts to turn base metal into god gold. (This typo was originally “god”).
T 4 H 4 ... In contrast, the Soul reacts in the same way to everything it know is true, and does not ...
T 4 H 4 ... In contrast, the Soul reacts in the same way to everything it knows is true, and does not ...
M: knows
T 4 I 1. ... it is too often misused as an expedient for sharing the ego’s dominion with other ego’s rather than ...
T 4 I 1. ... it is too often misused as an expedient for sharing the ego’s dominion with other egos rather than ...
M: egos N: egos