N は速記ノート、U は Urtext、H は HLC、F は FIP、R は HLC Replica、C は Corrected HLC、A は Annotated HLC です。テキスト間の異同を示したのは、誤植と思われる箇所を訂正した場合に、他のテキストとの一致が見られれば、校訂によって変えられたのではなく、単なる不注意のためであると考える根拠になるからです。
4 B 5.
lead to the relinquishment, NOT destruction, of the ego
lead to the relinquishment (NOT destruction) of the ego
UH: (NOT destruction)
FCA: , NOT destruction,
6 A 1.
and that YOU are in no way responsible.
and that YOU are in no way responsible for it.
NUF:for it
HLC 以外のすべてのバージョンに存在するので、不注意の脱落と考え補完する
6 H 4.
Yet is still a lesson in thought reversal,
Yet it is still a lesson in thought reversal,
UH:Yet it is
7 F 13.
because I am with you, and I cannot forget Him.
because I am with you, and I cannot forget Him.
UH:I アンダーラインの脱落。
8 K 7.
You will beanswered as you hear the answer in EVERYONE.
You will be answered as you hear the answer in EVERYONE.
9 C 9.
YOU know it because I know it,
YOU know it because I know it,
UH:I アンダーラインの脱落。
10 D 3.
Out of your joy you will create beauty in His name,
Out of your joy you will create beauty in His Name,
N7HF:Name UCA:name
For we are there in the peace of the Father, who wills to project His peace through YOU.
For we are there in the peace of the Father, Who wills to project His peace through YOU.
UHF:Who CA:who
13 B 7.
and He has given you the power to create the witnesses to your fatherhood in Heaven. Deny a brother here, and you deny the witnesses to your fatherhood in Heaven.
and He has given you the power to create the witnesses to YOURS, which is as HIS. Deny a brother here, and you deny the witnesses to your fatherhood in Heaven.
脱落箇所の補完にミスがある。“to your fatherhood in Heaven” が重複し、補完すべき “to YOURS, which is as HIS.” が脱落している。
16 E 11.
Hear not the call of hate, and see no fantasies, for your completion lies
Hear not the call of hate, and see no fantasies. For your completion lies
そのままの方が読みやすいが、補完箇所を U と H に忠実に写すとこうなる。
18 J 9.
Let your Guide TEACH you their insubstantial nature
Let your Guide TEACH you their unsubstantial nature
U:UNsubstantial HF:unsubstantial CA:insubstantial
19 L 8.
For he WILL receive of you what YOU received of him.
And he WILL receive of you what YOU received of him.
19 L 14.
to see this purpose in your holy Friend, and recognize it is your own.
to see this purpose in your holy Friend, and recognize it as your own.
20 B 3.
Easter is not the celebration of the COST of sin, but of it’s END.
Easter is not the celebration of the COST of sin, but of its END.
24 C 8.
His need to give it is a great as yours to have it.
His need to give it is as great as yours to have it.
24 C 12.
compromise that would establish sin love’s substitute,
compromise that would establish as sin as love’s substitute,
ノートにしたがって as を補完する。Doug の “Urtext Manuscripts Complete Seven Volume Combined Edition” に従ったもの。
24 D 3.
Illusions leave it perfectly unmoved and undisturbed.
Illusions leave it perfectly unmoved and undisturbed.
extra underline
25 I 5.
a mind that can conceive of specialness at tall.
a mind that can conceive of specialness at all.
25 I 6.
And deep suspicion and the chill of fear comes over them
NHF:comes U:come
主語と動詞で数の一致が崩れているところ。この場合は少数派だが U が正しいと思われる。
What could He be to them except a devil dressed to deceive, within an angel’s cloak.
What could He be to them except a devil dressed to deceive, within an angel’s cloak?
26 E 3.
And here does every light of heaven come,
And here does every light of Heaven come,
27 I 11.
“I have done this thing, and it is this I would undo.”
“I have done this thing, and it is this I would undo.”
NH:I アンダーラインあり U:I F:I (Italic)
28 C 12.
because the mind acknowledges “this is not done to me, but I am doing this.”
because the mind acknowledges “this is not done to me, but I am doing this.”
UH:I F:I (Italic)
28 D 5.
and as insubstantial as the empty place between the ripples that
and as unsubstantial as the empty place between the ripples that
U:Unsubstantial HF:unsubstantial CA:insubstantial
1 B 52b
Since the miracle aims at RESTORING the awareness of reality it would
Since the miracle aims at RESTORING the awareness of reality[,] it would
印字が消えているところ。Urtext と FIP にあるので、補完する。
1 B 52c.
The power and strength of man’s creative will must be understood before
The power and strength of man’s creative will must be understood[,] before
印字が消えているところ。Urtext にあるので、補完する。
1 B 53b.
Only God can establish this solution and THIS faith
Only God can establish this solution[,] and THIS faith
印字が消えているところ。Urtext と FIP にあるので、補完する。
4 B 10.
ANY confusion on this point is a delusion and no form
ANY confusion on this point is a delusion, and no form
UHF:, C と A で脱落。
6 C 9.
You perceive FROM your mind and extend your perceptions outward.
You perceive FROM your mind, and extend your perceptions outward.
UH:, F: - C と A で脱落。
6 C 10.
He tells you to return your whole mind to God BECAUSE IT HAS
He tells you to return your whole mind to God[,] BECAUSE IT HAS
印字が消えているところ。Urtext と FIP にあるので、補完する。
6 C 10.
The ego cannot prevail against this because it is
The ego cannot prevail against this[,] because it is
印字が消えているところ。Urtext にあるので、補完する。
7 J 2.
because it is part of Him and shares His Being with Him.
because it is part of Him, and shares His Being with Him.
UF: - H:, C と A で脱落。
7 J 3.
It does not wish to CONTAIN God but
It does not wish to CONTAIN God, but
UHF:, C と A で脱落。
7 K 3.
ALWAYS sides with you and with your strength.
ALWAYS sides with you, and with your strength.
UF: - H:, C と A で脱落。
8 D 8.
your wrong decisions are undone COMPLETELY releasing you AND
your wrong decisions are undone COMPLETELY[,] releasing you AND
印字が消えているところ。Urtext と FIP にあるので、補完する。
8 F 5.
its value lies in God’s sharing Himself with it and ESTABLISHING
its value lies in God’s sharing Himself with it, and ESTABLISHING
UF:- H:, C と A で脱落。
8 G 14.
the body as a means of attack of any kind and to entertain
the body as a means of attack of any kind, and to entertain
UH:, C と A で脱落。
8 I 8.
If you are sick you are withdrawing from me.
If you are sick, you are withdrawing from me.
UH:, C と A で脱落。
8 J 4.
look into what YOU have hidden and perceive the Will
look into what YOU have hidden, and perceive the Will
UH:, C と A で脱落。
8 J 8.
that there IS no God or that GOD’S WILL IS FEARFUL.
that there IS no God, or that GOD’S WILL IS FEARFUL.
UH:, C と A で脱落。
8 K 7.
Do not listen to anything else or you will not hear truth.
Do not listen to anything else, or you will not hear truth.
UH:, C と A で脱落。
10 B 5.
Extension cannot be blocked and it HAS no voids.
Extension cannot be blocked, and it HAS no voids.
UHF:, C と A で脱落。
10 D 5.
For your Father IS your Creator and you ARE like Him.
For your Father IS your Creator, and you ARE like Him.
UHF:, C と A で脱落。
15 G 7.
For communication is remembered TOGETHER as is truth.
For communication is remembered TOGETHER, as is truth.
UHF:, C と A で脱落。
16 E 6.
you perceive hatred within and are AFRAID of it.
you perceive hatred within, and are AFRAID of it.
UHF:, C と A で脱落。
23 D 3.
It is denied where compromise has been accepted for compromise is
It is denied where compromise has been accepted, for compromise is
U:. For HF:, for C と A でコンマが脱落。
31 C 1.
Whatever form his sins appear to take it but obscures the fact
Whatever form his sins appear to take, it but obscures the fact
UHF:, C と A で脱落。
And it is God Whom you must offer them, to recognize His gift to YOU.
And it is God to Whom you must offer them, to recognize His gift to YOU.
UHF:Whom C:to Whom
Corrected HLC で Whom を to Whom に校訂していたところが、書籍版の Annotated HLC(Corrected HLC の第二版に相当する)では脱落していた。HTML 版の HLC テキストでは既に修正されて、注も復活している。