Robert Perry の “Return to the Heart of God” はA Course in Miracles の理論的な側面のガイドブックです。コースのエッセンスを16の命題にまとめ上げ、それがそのまま16の章になっています。この16章はさらに97のキーとなる考え方に拡張され、それがそのまま節の表題になっています。だから目次を読むだけでコースの全体像がつかめるようになっていて、非常によくまとめられています。特筆すべきは16の命題を表すイラストが裏表紙の内側にあって一目でコースの理論的側面の全体像がつかめるようになっています。これは言葉では説明できませんので是非手に取ってみてください。目次だけ訳してみましょう。まずは16の命題から。
1. Our home is reality, Heaven, the Kingdom of God, a spiritual realm of pure oneness and boundless joy which can never be threatened.
2. We tried to attack reality, to separate from it, thus making a separate identity – the ego – and the world of space and time.
私たちは実在を攻撃しようと試みた、それから分離するためである。そうして分離した個性 - ego - を作り上げ、空間と時間からなる世界を作った。
3. But the separation occurred only in our minds; in reality it never happened.
4. Yet we believed we had really done it. We thought we had sinned and had thereby thrown our happiness away forever.
5. We then projected the cause of our suffering onto the world, producing the illusion that it had sinned against us and had robbed us of our happiness.
6. Our solution: acquire happiness by rearranging our external world.
7. Our search for happiness is actually an expression of resentment and a quest for vengeance on the past.
8. Our “solution” is an attack and so, like the original problem, is an attack on ourselves.
9. We have lost touch with reality and so need the Holy Spirit’s help to be restored to sanity.
10. The Holy Spirit’s message is that we never sinned, never changed ourselves. We need only change our mind.
11. Changing our minds means allowing the Holy Spirit to heal our perception.
12. We heal our perception by forgiving the world for what it did not do.
13. Extending forgiveness to others reveals to us that we too are forgiven. This becomes our one function.
14. Forgiveness also undoes the blocks that separate us from others, allowing us to experience the fact that we are one.
15. With forgiveness as our practice, we journey toward the goal of true perception.
16. When we and the entire world have attained true perception, God Himself will take the final step and lift us home.