
"Return to the Heart of God " by Robert Perry 5/17

4. Yet we believed we had really done it. We thought we had sinned and had thereby thrown our happiness away forever.

4.1. We thought that we had separated ourselves from all that we loved and consequently experienced a state of lack.


4.2. We thought that we had sinned against God, that we had launched a real attack which caused real destruction.


4.3. The result of sin was a massive sense of guilt, which we denied and so pushed into the unconscious.


4.4. Guilt says that we deserve punishment. This belief is the source of all of our suffering.


4.5. We project our belief that we deserve punishment onto God and so perceive a punitive, fearful God.


4.6. Guild, then, gives rise to fear, which really is the expectation of punishment. Fear is the dominant emotion of this world.


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