
"Return to the Heart of God " by Robert Perry 6/17

5. We then projected the cause of our suffering onto the world, producing the illusion that it had sinned against us and had robbed us of our happiness.

5.1. A law of mind is that mind causes its own experience.


5.2. Projection is the dynamic whereby causation is thrown outward: what our mind has caused now seems thrust upon us from without.


5.3. Projection is motivated by the desire to get rid of our guilt, but its deeper motivation is the desire to make us powerless to change our beliefs.


5.4. Projection produces a world that seems to have enormous power over us.


5.5. Through projection, our self-imposed pain appears to come from an attacking world.


5.6. Our guilt, projected outward, has produced a punishing world.


5.7. Our primary experience of this world is that it attacks us in manifold ways, that it has done us wrong, that it has taken our happiness from us.


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